Saturday, September 21, 2013

Another blaugh week. There has been a lot of laying around and a lot of sesame street viewing. And a lot of whining and crying.

I got a YMCA membership, which I am excited about. They have a nursery where I can drop off Natalie while I exercise, but she has been a little hysterical there the 2 times I've gone. Hopefully she'll get over it.

Just like how she'll hopefully get over this not-sleeping thing. She is currently screaming in her crib because she doesn't want to take a nap. The past 2 nights, she screamed forever before going to sleep. And she is waking up like 5 times in the night, usually wanting a drink of water, a kiss on her hand where she accidentally bit herself, or just for us to hug her and tell her to lay back down and go to sleep. It is making me crazy.

She likes to put on other people's shoes. Here she is in her stockings and diaper cover after church (dress removed for lunch), reading a book while sporting my new sneakers.

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