Thursday, November 1, 2012

Trick or Treat

Here is Natalie in her costume. I dragged her to the store dressed like this and got lots of "aawwww"s.

We had a lot of fun trick or treating. We collected donations for UNICEF so that I didn't feel as embarrassed to use my child to get candy for myself. Here, Natalie and I examine the spoils. The folks in the Spalding Woods neighborhood were very generous- we collected almost $30 to donate. Also, they had the good stuff- lots of chocolates :)
Natalie only cried once- at a house where they had this little skeleton guy who was motion activated and shrieked and started shaking as we approached. The lady passing out candy felt bad. I felt embarassed that she felt bad, since Natalie was fine 20 seconds later.
Micah came with us and walked Sammy. Micah went as a hungry PhD student who got home late and didn't get any dinner before leaving for trick or treating. Sammy went as a metrosexual (ie he wore his handsome sweater). It was a pretty cold night, but no extemities were lost, so it's all good.

Natalie got to eat a miniature reese's cup and kit kat. I was worried that giving her candy right before bed was an ameteur parent mistake, but she actually slept better than average! Maybe it was enough sugar to induce a brief coma?

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