Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Blake's Wedding, Angela's Birthday and Garden Produce!

First, some shots from my brother's wedding in Denver last weekend...

First experiencing the snow while waiting at airport pickup while Daddy was struggling to figure out our rental car. It was smart. Waaaaaay too smart for us. It kept making beeping sounds and doing things we didn't understand.  

Natalie enjoyed making snowmen at the reception Friday night.... the sealing Saturday morning....

....and at the luncheon Saturday afternoon!

We got to enjoy the mall and our relatives, scored some dairy queen and Angela even got a few gifts for her birthday!

That night, Angela got sick, throwing up every hour between 10pm and 4am. When we left for the airport at 5, we hoped she was over it, but alas, she puked again on the airplane. It was horrible, but the ride was super bumpy so most just shrugged it off to motion sickness and weren's too (visibly) irritated. One guy even saw us afterwards at baggage claim and asked Angela if she was feeling better, "poor, little girl".

Since then, she has been fine, gradually has gotten her appetite back. I'm thinking she might have gotten a bit if food poisoning from our hotel breakfast Saturday, because she hadn't eaten much else all day and it came on and was over so quickly.

We got home Sunday by early afternoon and happily discovered that a second one of our chickens had started laying. Yay! Also, our first few tomatoes were ripe, as well as a couple of blueberries and a handful of beans.

Natalie helped me wrap Angela's birthday presents and decorate her cake

 Angela's birthday dinner was brought to us by the letter "M" and the color orange- Mac and cheese and mango

 She blew out her candles by herself and only wanted to taste the frosting, not the cake!


And, her birthday wish came true almost immediately after she wished it :)

Finally....I've started canning Surinam Cherry Jam! And I processed a jar with the last of our pink grapefruit until next season. Lego fireman approves.

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